Women at the Heart of Boards

How to Match Supply and Demand for an Essential Parity Issue

For 14 years, the consultants at Leyders Associates have been tasked with approaching, informing, and attracting the most qualified female profiles, both French and international, in their sector through numerous communication actions.

With highly diverse sectoral experiences and multiple skills, they work in commercial, financial, digital, HR, communication, legal, and CSR roles. They are particularly motivated and often immediately available to join governance bodies where they know their background will add value around decision-making tables.

Lucille Desjonquères

Lucille Desjonquères Founder of the Firm

Lucille Desjonquères is known for the quality of the shortlists of candidates presented quickly.

Her commitment has made her an expert in governance, to the point where she was chosen by a TNT channel to host debates on this topic.

An advocate for highlighting leaders who support parity as a driver of performance, she does not hesitate to give them a voice so that their testimonies can be inspiring to others.

This visibility and communication result in the unification of many highly qualified female profiles, which are added to the Leyders Associates database, already comprising several thousand profiles across six continents.

A recent partnership with the Lincoln firm allows Leyders Associates to raise awareness among all companies concerned by the “Copé-Zimmermann” law and the “Women on Boards” initiative through 230 consultants trained for this purpose, both in France and abroad.

Process :

  • All validated candidates fill out a CV in an administrator version enriched with many unusual questions.
  • A video presentation of their career then complements a detailed summary of their experiences, along with a personality test.

These imposed directives aim to qualify meetings and optimize everyone’s time.

femmes au coeur des conseils

The « Women at the Heart of Boards » department at « Leyders Associates » aims to enable companies to find the candidates they are looking for and to recruit female leaders to join their board of directors, audit committee, remuneration committee, and nomination committee.

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